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BDSat alive and well!



BDSat alive and well!

Despite all odds (namely unfavorable weather), on April 1st, BDSat successfully launched with SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket. 

Shortly after, the first data was received making all teams incredibly happy. 

BDSat is a joint project of the company BD SENSORS and the scientists from the Brno University of Technology. This project was enabled by financial support from the state budget through the Ministry of Industry and Trade in TRIO program.

To check a nice summary of the launch and a quick overview of the project, check this awesome video in the Czech language.

The goal is not only to test instrument functionality in harsh space conditions but also the supercapacitor bank - a powerful source for storing electricity for satellite systems. It’s a very important part of new technology aimed to replace conventional battery power systems. So, when the power of the Sun canno’t help, this technology will! 

Moreover, our skilled engineers, with the help of data gathered from ground stations and SATNOGS network, managed to prepare a neat overview of all the data coming from the satellite. You can check it out here.

Spacemanic's role in this project consists of delivering the CubeSat platform and subsystems (solar panels, power supply unit, on-board computer, UHF/VHF transceiver, lodestone, and customized motherboards), along with multiple services such as satellite design, development, launch campaign management, licensing and frequency coordination, mission design and budgeting, support to the payload team, overseeing the environmental testing campaign, and lastly, the integration services.